MBSE Competencies

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To define MBSE roles and identify the required competencies; Need to revisit this to properly understand what is trying to be achieved by this workstream that is not in material already available through INCOSE.

- Review the material on competence that is available through INCOSE

- Understand how this material is applicable to the MBSE scope

- Define the modelling roles and suggested associated competency scope

- Understand and develop the material that INCOSE will present going forward


The MBSE Competencies team currently comprises the following members:

Member Organisation Role
Andrew Pemberton Thales UK Lead
TBD TBD Member
TBD TBD Member

Review of INCOSE competency framework

MBSE is considered as a cross cutting technique We need to understand what each of the competencies in the INCOSE competency framework (reference needed) means in the context of MBSE.

Modelling Roles

Holt and Perry define the following roles for consideration of MBSE comptencies: - Configuration manager

- Assessment manager

- Requirements manager

- Process manager

- Project manager

- Primary assessor

- Secondary assessor

- Requirement engineer

- Systems modeller

- Tester

- Reviewer

- Author

- Process modeller

- Builder

- SoS engineer

- MBSE champion

- MBSE mentor

- MBSE trainer

Each of these roles has a competency profile allocated against it both in terms of the INCOSE competency framework v3 and also against an MBSE specific competency developed by Holt/Perry. These need to be reviewed against the updated INCOSE competency framework.

An alternative set of modelling roles, used by A Pemberton:

- Lead modeller

- Modeller

- Model reviewer

- Subject matter expert

- Model user

- Modelling champion

- Modelling Referent

This set of roles are very specific to modelling and is designed to be applied as an additional role to another project role such as those identified by Holt/Perry, as such these roles correlate with some of the roles defined in the list from Holt/Perry. It is probably of more use to assess the competency scope required by project roles that are more commonly used across industry.


Date Title Author Link
2018 INCOSE Systems Engineering Compentency Handbook INCOSE https://connect.incose.org/Pages/Product-Details.aspx?ProductCode=ISECFv1
2018 SysML for Systems Engineering 3rd Edition Jon Holt & Simon Perry https://shop.theiet.org/sysml-for-systems-eng-3e -

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