SSE Meeting 37

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John Davies, Iain Cardow, Simon Wright, Andrew Farncombe, Neil Hunter, Sarwar Ahmad.

In Work

Feedback from ASEC2010

General feedback

will be on the INCOSE UK website, overall the conference went well, but there were no major revelations.

The Group poster

was displayed and had some interest, but only casual - no-one saying this is what I need'.. Posters were on a display stand but unfortunately our poster was displayed on the side away from the main hall so we probably. The use of graphics and diagrams was attractive compared with other posters that were just words. Our use of MBSE was accepted - no-one said we had it wrong.

IT/Web Updates for all Groups

The INCOSE UK web site is moving to a new supplier and in the process will be upgraded. This will include:

  • better handling for Users wishing to join
  • creation of 'Core Groups' within each group who are active and doing the work
  • ability to send out emails to group members instead of going to dot the eye to send out emailers
  • ability to upload and remove documents

Informal information MBSE Arhitecting tools, Modaf, NAF, Togaf, Archimate

Relation of Service Systems Engineering with Model Based Systems Engineering

From the previous meeting it was decided that as MBSE appeared to be 'the only show in town' then we should know how SSE related to MBSE from all angles. To accomplish this it was proposed to try and contact the INCOSE UK MBSE group and see what could be arranged.

As a result a paper abstract for ASEC2019 was written by Simon Wright and James Towers (chair of the MBSE group). Unfortunately thhe abstract was net accepted.


Simon Wright and Iain Cardlow had contacted James to see if e could arrange a joint working session. However, this had not been possible due to work loads. It was agreed to use the INCOSE UK Z-Guide 9 on MBSE as it is at an elementary level that those outside the subject should be able to understand.

Understanding MBSE Concepts

The following were taken from the Z Guide

  • Model
  • System of Interest
  • Representation
  • Viewpoint
  • Quality Criterion

Use of Models, Views, Diagrams, Tools

How the concepts relate was understood from the Z Guide

Comparison with Service Systems Engineering

SSE concepts developed by he SSE group were taken from their publications and compared.


SSE is wider in the lifecycle covering Specification, Contract, Provision, Operation

Activity diagrams

same as for MBSE

Concept Diagram/Block Diagram

as for MBSE

Stakeholder Onion Diagram

not in MBSE


similar to Ontology in MBSE

Creation of SE Poster for ASEC 2019

The poster was constrcted using existing text and diagrm s from the MBSE Z Guide and papers and posters produced by members of the SSE Group.

Date of next meeting

25 November 2019 Filton 10-30 to 14-30

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