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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
12:15, 22 November 2014INCOSE Journal, p. 16.png (file)46 KB 1
12:14, 22 November 2014INCOSE Journal, p. 15.png (file)74 KB 1
12:14, 22 November 2014INCOSE Journal, p. 14.png (file)45 KB 1
12:13, 22 November 2014INCOSE Journal, p. 13.png (file)35 KB 1
15:34, 12 November 2014AgileWGLogo.png (file)35 KB 1
10:29, 29 October 2014Asec14PosterTemplate.PNG (file)42 KB 1
16:51, 17 October 2014Joingroup.png (file)528 KB (How to join the Agile SE Working Group)1
12:30, 11 October 2014SSA Objectives.jpg (file)154 KB 1
12:21, 11 October 2014W13.jpg (file)292 KB 1
12:21, 11 October 2014W12.jpg (file)99 KB 1
12:21, 11 October 2014W11.jpg (file)290 KB 1
12:21, 11 October 2014W10.jpg (file)102 KB 1
12:20, 11 October 2014W09a.jpg (file)520 KB 1
12:20, 11 October 2014W09.jpg (file)226 KB 1
12:20, 11 October 2014W08.jpg (file)199 KB 1
12:20, 11 October 2014W07.jpg (file)175 KB 1
12:19, 11 October 2014W06.jpg (file)92 KB 1
12:19, 11 October 2014W05.jpg (file)245 KB 1
12:19, 11 October 2014W04.jpg (file)233 KB 2
12:18, 11 October 2014W03.jpg (file)147 KB 1
12:17, 11 October 2014W02.jpg (file)104 KB 1
12:14, 11 October 2014W01.jpg (file)135 KB 1
11:55, 11 October 2014SSA Objectives.jpeg (file)113 KB 2
19:54, 19 August 2014Note43.png (file)214 KB (Do a soft systems analysis of Agile (+ve and -ve versions) To inform - what - why - how)1
19:52, 19 August 2014Note42.png (file)146 KB (soft systems analysis)1
19:52, 19 August 2014Note41.png (file)211 KB (Does Agile apply to every track space outcome? or just some?)1
19:51, 19 August 2014Note40.png (file)281 KB (How to support our customers? (when they ask for "Agile"))1
19:50, 19 August 2014Note39.png (file)170 KB (What is Agile)1
19:49, 19 August 2014Note38.png (file)180 KB (Guidance for projects that require certification (safety or security))1
19:49, 19 August 2014Note37.png (file)140 KB (Understanding is strong enough so that managers, etc don't get bullied by 'Agile Practitioners')1
19:47, 19 August 2014Note36.png (file)160 KB (Developing an agile system ^ | | v ? Agile systems development)1
19:46, 19 August 2014Note35.png (file)188 KB (Counter the concern that term "agile" is being used loosely by people looking for a magic wand.)1
19:45, 19 August 2014Note34.png (file)144 KB (Understanding of what you are trading... robustness v development time? v perception of quality)1
19:43, 19 August 2014Note33.png (file)127 KB (Agile is seen as a 'Software' technique)1
19:43, 19 August 2014Note32.png (file)229 KB (Need a definition of the problem space + benefits of applying agile processes to systems eng. ->Allows definition of HOW agile can be applied)1
19:41, 19 August 2014Note31.png (file)142 KB (What are the benefits? What are the problems? <-)1
19:41, 19 August 2014Note30.png (file)853 KB (Educate our customers when they ask for "Agile")1
19:40, 19 August 2014Note29.png (file)162 KB (Action: Get web space set up. - Hazel)1
19:39, 19 August 2014Note28.png (file)262 KB (World views of Agile. (similar to capability engineering paper))1
19:38, 19 August 2014Note27.png (file)168 KB (When might Agile be appropriate?)1
19:37, 19 August 2014Note26.png (file)155 KB (Action: Put IWG slides on wiki/files. - Jon)1
19:36, 19 August 2014Note25.png (file)152 KB (What are the barriers to implementing agile)1
19:36, 19 August 2014Note24.png (file)78 KB (Liaison with APM)1
19:35, 19 August 2014Note23.png (file)282 KB (Action: Duncan to lead SSM. Like the capability WG white paper in Q1 - Duncan)1
19:31, 19 August 2014Note22.png (file)315 KB (Action: Recruit an academic Laura: Eng D Duncan: Uni of Bristol Kirsty: M Henshaw)1
19:30, 19 August 2014Note21.png (file)283 KB (Describe how UK defence has delivered £2bn (p.a.?) of agile UORs over last 5 years, www wwnsw (?))1
19:28, 19 August 2014Note20.png (file)247 KB (Need to engage with and influence the travelling collaborative workshops)1
19:27, 19 August 2014Note19.png (file)372 KB (Overlap with Agile PM Agle EA Agile Governance Agile Organizational Change)1
19:26, 19 August 2014Note18.png (file)198 KB (What is demonstrable capability at each stage in agile systems eng? A model? A prototype? A demo?)1
19:25, 19 August 2014Note17.png (file)187 KB (Action: Circulate IWG material -Jon)1

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